IB TanGo list

At the end of the SL Japanese ab initio course, the IB (International Baccalaureate) requires students to have acquired a vocabulary of about 1300 words. (TanGo, btw, means 'words, vocabulary'.)

The subject-specific syllabus provided by the IB lists the words, written in kanji as far as possible, grouped by topic, for the use of teachers. So on the pages that follow, the same words are listed with their meanings in English, in kana-order, employing only the kanji on the ab initio syllabus, for use by students as a kind of dictionary.

For the kana and kanji to be displayed, a Japanese font needs to be installed on your computer. If you are using IE 5.0+, MS Gothic can be downloaded free and automatically installed by going to the Microsoft Windows update site (-- Tools > Windows Update.) Alternatively, or for other browsers, or to obtain MS Mincho, try this site.
Once a Japanese font has been installed, it has to be selected to be used for Japanese Web pages (-- in IE: Tools > Internet Options > Fonts,) and it may have to chosen to view this particular page (-- in IE: View > Encoding > Japanese EUC.)
The few words that have been included, for completeness, although they are not in the IB list have been marked with a '+'. Words that are only introduced in the sample instructions for the exams have been marked with a '[1]'.
The words are arranged in Japanese kana-order (please let me know of any errors ...,) but using the browser's functions it is possible to look up English words (-- in IE: Edit > Find, or Ctrl+F.)

List collected by KA, AC.